
Showing posts from July, 2022

How Do Shared Web Hosting Plans Work?

  Shared Hosting allows many websites to work on the same server. But why should you opt for shared web hosting plans ? Well, the answer is simple- abundant resources and low cost! A server has the ability to host more than one website while allocating resources to different users and maintaining the cost significantly. Let's break down the information and see how shared hosting works. Working process of shared web hosting Every time you type UPL of the website in a browser, it is actually finding the server on which this website is stored!   Once the browser locates the server, it sends an HTTP request message to request data and makes the website visible. With shared hosting, one server is responsible for hosting data for multiple websites. Every website uses the same server; their journey is different. You are sharing the server but have flexibility and freedom for a unique experience. Shared web hosting plans are the most affordable option among all web hosting solutions.